Monday, November 29, 2010, my new business associate

I would just like to bring to your attention the phenomenon of, the social networking site. Yes I know it has been around a while but I have only recently started using it properly. While networking sites such as facebook have connected people personally, Linkedin has connected us to our business associates and professional contacts.

Your profile is completely professional and should include aspects of your career and business rather than your social life. I find the site is a great tool with which I can build my business network.

An example would be if you attend a traditional networking function. You meet people, collect business cards and generate interest from prospective clients. Once you get home, use those business cards to invite the people you met to join your Linkedin network.

I have found this way of networking opens doors which before I would not have imagined being near. Have a look at the business cards sitting on your desk, rather turn them into active contacts.

Happy networking

Visit the website at LinkedIn

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